Bill Foster's death shakes up both sides: Stature and Nighthawk surrender and register, while the Human Torch and Invisible Woman oppose the act. The Thunderbolts are sent to rescue them, but misunderstandings result in the deaths of Penance and Thunderstrike and all three teams start fighting each other. 's "Cape-Killers", even though the act has not been passed yet. Les super-héros prisonniers de la Zone Négative sont libérés et rejoignent les rebelles. Public opinion turns against superhumans. Les Vengeurs Secrets, rejoints par Tornade des X-Men et La Panthère noire, s'infiltrent à l'intérieur du complexe 42. She discovers the assassin was Bullseye. The superheroes in support of the law, such as Iron Man, Mister Fantastic and Ms. Marvel, become increasingly authoritarian. Dors bien, Le titre en anglais signifie Guerre Civile quand l’expression ne fait pas référence à la,, Page utilisant une présentation en colonnes avec un nombre fixe de colonnes, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Les mutants rôdent librement, surveillés par les, Tony Stark devient le nouveau directeur du, Plusieurs héros préfèrent s'exiler, notamment au. Après l’attaque du Manoir des Vengeurs, la destruction de Manhattan à cause de la guerre secrète de Nick Fury, la perte des pouvoirs de 91,4 % des mutants (qui oblige le reste à devenir plus clandestins) et le désastre que causa Hulk, exposé à l’explosion d’une bombe gamma qui le rendit mentalement instable, à Las Vegas (où sont morts vingt-six adultes, deux enfants et un chien), il règne dans le monde un climat de peur, encore plus fort qu'à l'accoutumée, envers les super-héros. The blast depowers the superhumans and reverts the Skrulls to their true state. Marvel. Acting leader Cyclops felt that the mutants had already been through too much during the Decimation to take a stand either way and survive. As the battle turns against them, a new weapon is brought into play: Project Lightning, a cyborg clone of Thor (created from a few strands of the Asgardian's hair and empowered by a technological copy of Mjolnir). Il avait réussi à infiltrer la ligue des super-héros enregistrés le matin même. Even the inactive members of the New Warriors are branded as "baby killers". Peter prend néanmoins conscience du danger qu'entraîne la révélation de son identité lorsque des supers-vilains tels que le Docteur Octopus s'attaquent à ses collègues de travail et menacent sa famille. [6], In late November 2006, Marvel announced another delay. The film is a sequel to Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Ant-Man. Personnages neutres ou possédant des intérêts particuliers : Plusieurs critiques ont comparé les thématiques de Civil War avec les États-Unis post-11 septembre, notamment au niveau de la guerre contre le terrorisme, de la sécurité et de la sauvegarde des libertés (Patriot Act, Guantánamo…)[16],[17],[18]. In What If: Annihilation by David Hine and Mico Suayan, the cosmic Annihilation War reaches Earth during the War. Veranke tells him that she is the cause of every single failed attempt at reaching peace in a part of a plan to benefit from the never-ending war. Furthermore, various tie-in books including the Civil War: Front Line miniseries and tie-in issues of other comics were delayed several months so as not to reveal any plot developments. De nombreux héros choisissent de rester clandestins, comme les Nouveaux Vengeurs : Docteur Strange, Echo (anciennement Ronin), Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Ronin (actuellement un Clint Barton ressuscité), Spider-Man, Spider-Woman et Wolverine. [2] Blessé, il est remis aux autorités et est rendu responsable du décès des 600 habitants de la ville de Stamford. As Miriam Sharpe tries to intervene, she is shot in the back by a sniper. The Punisher saves Spider-Man by killing the two villains, and carries him to a Secret Avengers safe-house. director Maria Hill tells Stark that Black Panther activated the explosives on the orders of Steve Rogers. [23], During an attempt by the reality-displaced Superior Spider-Man (Doctor Octopus' mind in Peter Parker's body) to reach back to his dimension as seen in the Spider-Verse storyline, he discovered an alternate dimension where a Civil War Iron Spider-Man lies dead (killed by Karn) prompting him to continue investigating the murders of Spider-Men throughout the Multiverse. Spider-Man demands to see the concentration camp-styled prison facilities "42" in the Negative Zone. Marvel announced in August 2006 that some issues of the main Civil War series would be pushed back several months to accommodate artist Steve McNiven. The Secret Avengers, responding to a false emergency, are lured into an ambush by the pro-registration forces. Cette série est ce qu’on appelle un crossover : elle fait se rencontrer des personnages de séries jusque-là indépendantes. [11] Enactment of the federal law leads to revisions of state criminal codes.[12]. Jane Richards, choquée par ce meurtre, permet aux Vengeurs Secrets de s'enfuir sous le regard médusé de Red Richards, son époux devenu un soutien inconditionnel de la loi de recensement des super-humains. 1) #529-538, Sensational Spider-Man #28-34, Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man #11-16, Fantastic Four #536-543, Black Panther #18-25, She-Hulk #8, Civil War: Young Avengers / Runaways #1-4, Thunderbolts #103-105, Moon Knight #7-12, Heroes for Hire #1-3, Civil War: War Crimes, Punisher War Journal #1-3, Ghost Rider #8-11, Civil War: Frontline #1-11, Civil War: Choosing Sides, Civil War: The Return, Fallen Son: Wolverine, Fallen Son: New Avengers, Fallen Son: Captain America, Fallen Son: Spider-Man, and Fallen Son: Iron Man, as well as Captain America Comics #1 plus extras from Marvel Spotlight: Captain America Remember and the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Captain America, the main opponent to the act, is arrested and subsequently assassinated by a brainwashed, The first is detailed in, "What if Captain America led all the heroes against the Registration Act?" Each side blames the other for the deaths. Captain América retire donc son masque et se rend aux soldats du SHIELD, sous les regards médusés de ses alliés et de ses ennemis. Unlike the previous instance, only The Punisher War Journal #2 was delayed. As the final battle begins Cloak teleports the combatants to New York City, where Namor and an army of Atlanteans arrive to fight alongside the Secret Avengers, while the Champions, the Thor clone, and Captain Marvel reinforce Stark's team. Annihilation", "Details on Marvel's Civil War II Revealed", Jenny Sparks: The Secret History of the Authority, Captain America and Nick Fury: Blood Truce, Captain America and Nick Fury: The Otherworld War, Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann. ». Fort Sumter to Perryville He proposes that the Blue shrink, giving his people more space in exchange for which Stark will make trade concessions. Leur but est de rejoindre les rangs de Captain America, mais le Punisher les abat froidement. At the time of its release, Civil War received mixed reviews. People thought they were dangerous, but they did not want a ban. strike force hunting superhumans in violation of the act, and is attacked by S.H.I.E.L.D. The plot of the series follows a framework story line in which the U.S. government passes a Superhero Registration Act, ostensibly designed to have super powered individuals act under official regulation, somewhat akin to law enforcement. Il sera ensuite révélé que Thor n'est autre qu'un clone sans conscience humaine créé et contrôlé par Red Richards. § 558,[10] requiring the registration of all persons with superhuman abilities with the U.S. government, and the enlistment and training of those wishing to operate as superheroes. Peter dons a new Spider-Man armor and defeats the U.S. Avengers with a device that exposes a fail-safe Tony placed inside all of their armors. Mr Fantastique et la Femme Invisible quittent temporairement les Fantastic Four et sont remplacés par. Chacun des deux groupes se rallie derrière un super-héros emblématique de l’Univers Marvel, Iron Man pour ceux qui sont favorables à la loi et Captain America pour ceux qui y sont défavorables. However, over time, Civil War has become more well received. 2006–2007 Marvel Comics crossover storyline, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Tyrone Johnson/Cloak and Tandy Bowen/Dagger, "Freedom versus Security: The Basic Human Dilemma from 9/11 to Marvel's, " – Civil War & Peace of Mind with Mark Millar (Part 2)", "Luke Cage compares the registration act to slavery", "Marvel Comics Catalog – Titles on Sale, Week of February 21, 2007", Annihilation Makes Things Civil: Hine talks "What If? Spider-Man unmasks at a press conference as a show of support for the act. The 2016 film Captain America: Civil War in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was made as a loose adaptation of the same storyline. IGN ranked it as one of the greatest Comic Book Events.[34]. His team consists of Penance (Robbie Baldwin), Iron Spider (Natasha Romanoff), Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers), and the Thor clone known as Thunderstrike. Mister Fantastic saves Invisible Woman from a bullet launched by Taskmaster, and Hercules destroys the Thor clone. Numerous resources from the Iron are needed to continue the project, for which Rogers sends a team composed of Parker, Elektra, Azari, and Hawkeye (Clint Barton) to infiltrate Stark's territory. The premise of "Civil War" involves the introduction of a Superhuman Registration Act in the United States. Civil War est une série de comics publiée en sept épisodes, à quoi s’ajoutent des ties-in dans les séries régulières concernées, par Marvel Comics.L’ensemble a été écrit par Mark Millar et dessiné par Steve McNiven.Cette série est ce qu’on appelle un crossover : elle fait se rencontrer des personnages de séries jusque-là indépendantes. Black Widow Captain America: Civil War Marvel Comics Natasha Romanoff Scarlett Johansson. The Thing, who was only visiting the old neighborhood, gets roped into crowd control. [20], When Mister Fantastic was researching realities where the Civil War ended differently, he found one reality in which their version of Anthony Stark was a woman named Natasha Stark. Les Vengeurs Secrets reçoivent un SOS provenant d'une usine pétrochimique prétendument en proie à un incendie. Ça va faire mal. Faced with this vision, Tony believes that this proves that he was right to pursue his pro-registration course of action, but the stranger then reveals another possibility; The stranger is revealed to be Uatu, Earth 616's Watcher. With Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan. Cette loi oblige tout super-humain à se faire recenser, révéler son identité secrète aux autorités, suivre une formation appropriée, et travailler aux ordres du gouvernement. Civil War Companion (Marvel Comics) Civil War Companion And Civil War: Marvel Universe Civil War: Marvel Universe (note that this trade overlaps w/ the Cap Civil War trade). [28], President Stark sends a drone to track the killers, but it is shot down and its datacore claimed by the Blue. Ce fut alors l’avant-dernière réunion des Illuminati connue à ce jour. L'équipe est alors confrontée aux super-héros ralliés à la cause d'Iron Man, et il s'avère que chaque équipe avait installé des taupes dans le camp rival. The film concludes with Cap's side seeking asylum in Wakanda after the Black Panther recognizes that he was wrong to target Bucky. With both sides in shock, Cap orders a retreat. Pendant que Spider-Man reçoit des soins, le Punisher leur explique que plusieurs criminels ont rejoint les rangs d'Iron Man. Juste avant de le faire entrer dans sa cellule, l'un des deux Gardes donne à Iron Man une pièce d'un dollar cachée sous la langue de Daredevil, et qui lui était destinée. Cable décide quant à lui de se retirer du conflit (comme l'a fait La Chose), tandis que Stature et Nighthawk rejoignent le clan des pro-recensement d'Iron Man. [30], As the Blue prepare to invade the Iron in a last-ditch attempt at ending the war, Iron Man tracks down Jen's position and flies to rescue her. [31], As the conflict escalates, Iron Man is able to reach General America and reveal that Bucky is a Skrull, prompting General America to accept a telepathic 'update' from Emma Frost that confirms that the Skrulls have manipulated the conflict for years. Celui-ci lui demanda alors de devenir son bras droit. At the same time, Stark sends Jennifer Walters to infiltrate the Blue and continue investigating Sharpe's murder. Ce dernier, dans une rage indescriptible, assassine Goliath sous les yeux de tous les super-héros présents. Elle s'achève par un combat titanesque dans les rues de New York. Les pertes de chaque côté sont lourdes et le meurtre de Goliath laisse certains héros amers, comme Spider-Man, qui doute de plus en plus de la légitimité de son engagement. Tony Stark, alias Iron Man, est informé par ses contacts du Congrès du nouveau projet de loi. 49 18,213 4 2 Iron Man Marvel Comics. Tous les super-héros devront dorénavant travailler pour l'état et divulguer leur identité. Il leur offre son aide pour tenter d'entrer dans la zone négative mais plusieurs vengeurs ne lui font pas confiance. The rest of the superheroes appear in Stamford to search for survivors. On apprend que le téléporteur nommé La Cape a été appréhendé et incarcéré dans la prison 42 de la Zone négative avec sa compagne de route Épée. Par la suite, la mort de Goliath le fait hésiter, mais c'est en découvrant la prison de la Zone négative et les nombreux super-héros incarcérés qu'il comprend qu'il a choisi le mauvais camp et décide d'en changer. Ils seront toujours des super-héros, mais sous une hiérarchie. Tony Stark et Peter Parker, afin de donner l'exemple, révèlent tous deux leur identité devant les caméras de télévision. Steve Rogers (no longer called Captain America) and his teammates have been arrested and buy time off their sentence by performing suicide missions as the Thunderbolts. Civil War combatants. The Civil War was avoided entirely in this reality due to her marriage to Steve Rogers, by deterring each other's more aggressive behaviour and allowing Reed Richards to complete the Super Hero Registration Program. The 2016 film Captain America: Civil War was a cinematic treatment of the story, albeit focusing more on the issue of government control rather than public knowledge of secret identities: these matters were also being escalated by the interference and manipulation of Helmut Zemo as his plan for revenge against the Avengers' role in Ultron's assault and the deaths of Zemo's family. The Galactic Civil War, (2 BBY–19 ABY) known as the First Galactic Civil War by the year 43 ABY, was a major galactic conflict fought primarily between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic.The Alliance was a rebel faction dedicated to the restoration of the Galactic Republic, the government that the Empire had supplanted at the culmination of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY. President Stark discovers certain anomalies regarding past events, leading him to believe that events like Sharpe's murder were caused by a third party. The movie version of Civil War also differs from the comic substantially, with the fate of Bucky Barnes becoming a key element of the war after he is framed for the assassination of the Black Panther's father, the king of Wakanda. Differences in politics have caused people to pick one side over the other, with the split ossifying every year. Les super-héros (et les lecteurs) se divisent alors en deux groupes : ceux qui sont favorables à la loi et s'y plient par conviction ou pour obtenir une amnistie dans le cas des super-vilains, et ceux qui la refusent au prétexte qu'elle entrave les libertés individuelles ou menace la sécurité de leurs proches. After recovering from his injuries, Spider-Man joins Cap's forces,[17] and makes a public statement in which he pledges to fight the Registration Act. At the same time, She-Hulk had been able to infiltrate Steeltown. Mais Pourpoint Jaune se métamorphose alors en jeune homme vert qui s'appelle Hulkling, un membre des Young Avengers. Miss Marvel, Pourpoint Jaune, La Guêpe, Tigra, Wonder Man et Spider-Man deviennent les premiers super-héros à devenir des conscrits pour le gouvernement américain. Government forces led by. [2][3] A sequel, Civil War II, debuted in June 2016. In this version of the storyline, the Registration Act targets new Inhumans, and teams of Avengers come into conflict over the issue, as in other adaptations. By the end of the Civil War, 10 per cent of the Union Army were made up of black soldiers, or roughly 179,000 men. Il demande à ses alliés de se rendre eux aussi, car il est désormais résolu à lutter contre la loi de l’enregistrement dans la légalité. Tom Foster, le neveu de Bill Foster, devient le nouveau Goliath. Unfortunately, Cloak can not shut off his powers fast enough to block out the explosion. Alors que la bataille se prépare, Captain America avertit les supporters de la loi controversée : « Maintenant Gentlemen, fermez les yeux. Hercule, le Faucon, Daredevil, Luke Cage, et les Young Avengers, ne voulant pas se soumettre à cette nouvelle loi, rejoignent les rangs de Captain America. Sue Storm shelters the re-grouping Secret Avengers under an energy shield, allowing their escape. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 3 mars 2021 à 17:40. Spider-Man, alors dans l'équipe des Nouveaux Vengeurs, se lia d'amitié avec Tony Stark. La trame de cette histoire est adaptée dans le film sorti en 2016, Captain America: Civil War, et un crossover du même nom est sorti en 2016. As Captain America is about to deliver a final blow to Iron Man, policemen, EMTs, and firefighters try to restrain him. Il réussit à s'enfuir et forme un mouvement de résistance clandestin, les Vengeurs secrets. Il en parle à sa femme et à sa tante qui décident de le soutenir dans sa décision. A different variation of the Civil War storyline closely resembling Civil War II as it features Iron Man and Captain Marvel in opposition to each other was adapted in the four-part Season finale of Avengers: Ultron Revolution. Afterwards, he becomes a fugitive and forms an underground resistance movement calling itself the "Secret Avengers". Without Tony to provide a fairer path for registration, the government's response is more extreme. In this reality, Tony Stark dies of the Extremis virus, leaving the U.S. government to choose Steve Rogers as the spokesperson for heroes, who, as in the regular universe, opposes the Registration Act. Iron Man et Mr Fantastique, voyant leurs effectifs baisser, décident de prendre des mesures radicales. Individuals within the X-Men had their own opinions on the matter, however. Tony is brought to Black Panther who reveals himself as the Skrull Queen Veranke. Alors qu'il paraissait douteux que ces criminels obéissent à l'ordre de le capturer vivant, le Punisher les abat d'une balle dans la tête. The law applies to those with naturally-occurring superhuman abilities, those humans using exotic technology (such as Iron Man), or anyone who wants to challenge the superhumans. He finds her, but his armor is neutralized and stripped from him. La série met alors en scène la lutte à laquelle les deux groupes vont se livrer. Les super-héros rebelles se rendent sur place pour tenter d'y secourir les éventuelles victimes. It was the perfect solution and nobody, as far as I'm aware, has done this before.[4]. Iron Man lui demande de s'engager dans son combat et dit qu'il serait même prêt à lui fournir une équipe pour arrêter des super-héros récalcitrants. Seul lui et Mr Fantastique se sont montrés favorables à cette loi, de leur côté, Namor, Flèche Noire et le Docteur Strange l’ont rejetée. The Civil War is the saga of celebrated generals and ordinary soldiers, a heroic and transcendent president and a country that had to divide itself in two in order to become one. The second is detailed in, "What if Iron Man lost the Civil War?" This team includes Hercules, Falcon, Danny Rand (who is acting as Daredevil in Matt Murdock's place),[13] Luke Cage, and the Young Avengers. President Stark and his Mighty Avengers are taken to Battleworld by Maestro and have their memories altered to think that they are on Earth and that the Renegade Champions already there are unregistered vigilantes. [13] Doctor Strange wants no part of the act and tells Iron Man and Mister Fantastic that they are never to call on him again (the government declares Doctor Strange exempt from the act). Le gouvernement américain demande ensuite à Tony Stark de créer une équipe de super-héros dans chaque État de l'Union pour faire respecter la nouvelle loi. Elle veut qu'il rejoigne les rangs des Vengeurs Secrets mais sans succès. [35] The novel is set in the alternate timeline created by the controversial storyline "One More Day" and detailed in "One Moment in Time", as Spider-Man is depicted as never having married Mary Jane Watson, having never arrived on the day of their wedding. Le héros réalise l'ampleur des dégâts et décide de se rendre, car il vient de comprendre que lui et les autres super-héros ont été trop loin et que ce sont les citoyens qu'ils sont supposés protéger qui sont les victimes de cette guerre civile. The schedule had issue #4 being released one month late, in September, while issue #5 was released two months later, in November. Iron Man uses additional weaponry that was not in his armor to free himself, fend off the Skrull guards, and break She-Hulk free from her cage. [21], In a reality where all the characters age naturally after Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man in 1962, the Superhuman Registration Act was passed shortly after the September 11 attacks in 2001 and lasted for years. The supervillains Goldbug and Plunderer arrive at the Secret Avengers' base to join Captain America's team, but the Punisher immediately kills them, leading Captain America to attack him and kick him out of the group. Alors que les membres des deux camps tentent de se remettre du drame, Jane Richards et son frère Johnny Storm quittent les Quatre Fantastiques afin de rejoindre Captain America. and Avengers: Endgame.Now, as Marvel Studios enters Phase Four, there are a lot of questions about just whether Namor is finally coming to the MCU. Captain America combat Iron Man qui le blesse gravement. Stark explains that the Iron has wealth and resources from trade with the outside world where the Blue is regarded as a rogue state. Tony Stark is told of two alternate ways the Civil War could have concluded:[25]. However, his citizens are running out of space while the Blue has twice the space but half the population. Then finally, for the fallout, there’s The Death of Captain America, Vol. The resulting beam of explosive energy creates a vast chasm called the Divide, destroying St. Louis and leaving millions dead. La situation, déjà délicate pour les Vengeurs Secrets, s'envenime ensuite avec l'arrivée de Thor, censé être mort. Cependant, cette conversation avait été enregistrée et écoutée par Iron Man. Une surprise de taille attend les super-héros gouvernementaux : Pourpoint Jaune, le Docteur Henry Pym, avoue être l'autre espion à la solde des Vengeurs Secrets. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been hinting at Namor and Atlantis arriving sooner rather than later, with seeming references in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury, ancien directeur du SHIELD, leur propose son aide et accepte que la résistance de Captain America utilise une base du SHIELD connue de lui seul. Horrifié par ce qu'il vient de voir, Captain America expulse le Punisher du groupe. Après une altercation entre les New Warriors (Night Thrasher, Namorita, Speedball et Microbe) et un groupe de super-vilains (Cobalt Man, Speedfreek, Coldheart et Nitro), plus de six cents habitants de la ville de Stamford dans le Connecticut, aux États-Unis, périssent lorsque Nitro, un surhumain aux pouvoirs destructeurs, détruit plusieurs pâtés de maisons et leurs habitants. Lors de son transfert à la base du S.H.I.E.L.D, Captain America est pris pour cible par Crossbones. The remaining five heroes from the Mighty Avengers and Thunderbolts stay behind on Battleworld with the Sentry and fight villains attempting to gather the Iso-Sphere as the Civil Warriors. Iron Man a alors les mains libres pour mettre en place son projet Initiative dont le but est de former de nouveaux super-héros et de placer une équipe par États des États-Unis. Sa première mission fut de l'accompagner à Washington pour une affaire de sécurité nationale, concernant la loi sur le recensement des super-héros. [36] In the original comics version, Civil War was a lead-in to "One More Day", depicting May Parker's assassination on the orders of Wilson Fisk near the end of the main Civil War storyline. Il a besoin de soins médicaux de toute urgence, en raison des blessures infligées par ses poursuivants. In this story, the Stamford incident leads to a polarising political debate that culminates with the two sides clashing in the Negative Zone Prison. Maestro kills Tony and the Punisher, but is stopped by the intervention of Stick, the Sentry, and Nigel Higgins using the Iso-Sphere. Upon learning of the possibility of this alternate reality, Tony is devastated and weeps for the bright future he helped prevent. Realizing how much damage the fight has already inflicted upon the very people he wishes to protect, Captain America surrenders and orders his team to stand down. After Tony is revealed to be a hologram and disappears, Spider-Man joins the Anti-Registration Avengers to follow his daughter's advice on leaving the world a better place for future generations. The only place in the country that embraces both is a community in the ruins of St. Louis, built on a bridge over the Divide. Mr Fantastic et Iron Man n'en reviennent pas. Iron Man a alors réuni les Illuminati pour une réunion exceptionnelle afin de leur demander de faire partie de ce projet de loi pour éviter qu’une catastrophe se produise, comme deux camps de super-héros combattant l’un contre l’autre.

Altezza Genoveffa Darone, 1 Novembre 2014, Passo Delle Forbici, Sci Estivo Cervinia 2020 Prezzi, Lungotevere Flaminio 87,