How could this woman be so bold to ask such a thing. Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo 28,16-20. Turn to Matthew 20:20. The corrupting influence of power is that given a little, the appetite is whetted and more power is sought and the means be which it is gained becomes less important as long as it is gained. Agivano secondo i propri interessi (cf. We do not know whose idea it was to ask Jesus for these high positions, but it is clear that James & John are not innocent by-standers. Solomon may have been wise, but modern man is much more advanced than Solomon. The slave is unconcerned for his own life, his own glory, his own power. Jesus Himself is the example of what it means to be great in the kingdom, of what it means to be a servant and a slave. Vv. The drive within man is to control his future and that means being able to control those around him as well. He viewed himself as being owned by Jesus since he was bought with a price, Jesus’ own precious blood ( 1 Cor. • Matteo 20,24-27: "Non così dovrà essere tra voi". Nuova Diodati: Matteo 28,19-20. 17 Quando lo videro, si prostrarono. While many claim that Jesus is their lord, only a few are His slaves. Era una risposta sincera e Gesù conferma: "Voi lo berrete". T. Ord. Leaders in the church are to be slaves of Christ and servants of His people. This closeness of relationship explains to some degree the boldness she has in coming to Jesus with this request. Chiudi Allora gli si avvicinò la madre dei figli di Zebedeo con i suoi figli, e si prostrò per chiedergli qualcosa. The disciples continued to bicker about who was the greatest until Jesus had been crucified and was risen from the dead. Matthew 20:20-28. Si accordò con loro per un denaro al giorno e … Ciò che Gesù può offrire è il calice della sofferenza, della croce. Allora si diceva tra i popoli:"Il Signore ha fatto grandi cose per loro".Grandi cose ha fatto il Signore per noi,ci ha colmati di gioia. Da. To communicate with someone you had to go see them or have someone hand deliver the parchment or papyrus letter you had written. His only concern is for his master, his lord. A sham servant avoids suffering. Mc 14,3-12). (Lc 1,38). Non così dovrà essere tra voi; ma colui che vorrà diventare grande tra voi, si farà vostro servo, e colui che vorrà essere il primo tra voi, si farà vostro schiavo; appunto come il Figlio dell'uomo, che non è venuto per essere servito, ma per servire e dare la sua vita in riscatto per molti". John was the only disciple at the foot of Jesus cross when He was crucified. Gli rispose: «Di’ che questi miei due figli siedano uno alla tua destra e uno alla tua sinistra nel tuo regno». 4) – and play up to man’s innate selfishness appealing to emotion and worldly appetites. ... Matteo 7, 21-29 con il commento di don Franco Mastrolonardo - Duration: 6:11. If you want to be first, then you have to go another step and become a doulos – a slave. • Matteo 20,20-21: La richiesta della madre dei figli di Zebedeo. Nello stesso tempo, sembra una risposta precipitata, poiché, pochi giorni dopo, abbandonano Gesù e lo lasciano solo nell'ora del dolore (Mt 26,51). The greatest in the kingdom is the one who is a slave – sold out completely to Christ and His kingdom. Jesus’ first response seeks to bring them back to reality. The old cross slew men; the new cross entertains them. They were bold, part of the reason Jesus nicknamed them, “the sons of thunder.”. It is, rather, a bright ornament upon the bosom of the self-assured and carnal Christian whose hands are indeed the hands of Abel, but whose voice is the voice of Cain. Santissima Trinità (Anno B) (31/05/2015) Vangelo: Mt 28,16-20 . Notice as well how Salome approaches Jesus. Vangelo di Matteo 20,20-28. (Sal 125),, dal 1998 al servizio della pastorale. We will read through the text and then go back over it to gain an understanding of what it means to be great in the world compared to being great in the kingdom. Gesù definisce la sua vita e la sua missione: "Il Figlio dell'Uomo non è venuto ad essere servito, ma a servire e a dare la sua vita in riscatto per molti". Potete bere il calice che io sto per bere?». What mother does not want her children to rise to important positions, to be “successful.” Parents take great pride in how their children turn out – especially if they do achieve important positions. Jesus also tells them that “to sit on My right and on My left, this is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by My Father.” Jesus is completely submissive to the Father and will not usurp the divine order in any way. Are you still seeking after what the world values, or what God values. “Lord it over” is a strong term that has the idea of ruling down on the people, and in that day this was easily understood since most of the governments of the day were a form of dictatorship – most of them tyrannical in nature. It was a wrong thing to seek that for several reasons, among them the inappropriateness of asking for this right after Jesus had told them He was going to Jerusalem to suffer and die; they had not considered the price that would have to be paid; it was not Jesus’ place to appoint those positions; and most of all, it was wrong because it demonstrated that they – and the other disciples – were still largely infected with the world’s values. It is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”, BEING GREAT IN THE WORLD – A Mother’s Request, The first thing we note in our text is a mother’s request. From the eternal point of view they are a dead end. 22Rispose Gesù: «Voi non sapete quello che chiedete. If that is the example set by our master, then what should be the mark of our lives. Commenti al Vangelo di Mt 20, 20-28 Commento a cura dei Carmelitani [ads2]Gesù e i discepoli sono in cammino verso Gerusalemme (Mt 20,17). Quando lo videro, gli si prostrarono innanzi; alcuni però dubitavano. Il profeta Isaia lo aveva già annunziato (Is 50,4-6; 53,1-10). Commento al vangelo 25 luglio 2018 - S. Giacomo il Maggiore: Mt 20,20-28 25 luglio Nei nostri desideri che diventano preghiere spesso mischiamo qualcosa di buono e qualcosa di meno buono. Ed egli soggiunse: "Il mio calice lo berrete; però non sta a me concedere che vi sediate alla mia destra o alla mia sinistra, ma è per coloro per i quali è stato preparato dal Padre mio". Matthew 20:20-28 Some have said that the Bible is not relevant to today’s modern world. - Ambitious request of the mother of the sons of Zebedee. Ed ecco una donna Cananea, che veniva da quella regione, si mise a gridare: «Pietà di me, Signore, figlio di Davide!Mia figlia è molto tormentata da un demonio». For comments, please e-mail  Church office, Subscribe to Pastor Harris’ weekly Sermon Notes via email – Click Here, Grace Bible Church Jesus did not die on the cross so that you could live in happy circumstances, He died so that your bondage to sin could be broken, that you could be reconciled to God and escape His condemnation, and that you could now have an eternal relationship with Him. Proposta totalmente nuova per la società di quel tempo. Vangelo secondo Matteo ... 20 Allora gli si avvicinò la madre dei figli di Zebedèo con i suoi figli, ... 28 appunto come il Figlio dell'uomo, che non è venuto per essere servito, ma per servire e dare la sua vita in riscatto per molti». Non hanno una forte coscienza critica, e nemmeno si rendono conto della loro realtà personale. T. Ord. The one on the right being “second” in command and the one the left “third” in command. Does He indwell you? Cristiano Sabatini-20/09/2020. Gesù sa che lo uccideranno (Mt 20,8). Mateo 20:28 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960) 28 como el Hijo del Hombre no vino para ser servido, sino para servir, y para dar su vida en rescate por muchos. 19 Andate dunque, e fate discepoli di tutti i popoli, battezzandoli nel nome del Padre e del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo, 20 insegnando loro di osservare tutte le cose che io vi ho comandato.Or ecco, io sono con voi tutti i giorni, fino alla fine dell'età presente.Amen». 20 Perché dove sono due o tre riuniti nel mio nome, io sono in mezzo a loro». Is 42,1-9; 49,1-6; 50,4-9; 52,13-53,12). La comunità deve preparare un'alternativa. Gesù sa che lo uccideranno (Mt 20,8). Many of us have worked under such kind of people. 17 Quando lo … If you want to be great, you do not need to exalt yourself. We like that sense of power over others. Gesù chiama i discepoli e parla loro dell'esercizio del potere: "I capi delle nazioni, voi lo sapete, dominano su di esse e i grandi esercitano su di esse il potere. (845)-298-8481, Loving the Brethren, Living Your Life, Behavior Toward Outsiders – 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12, God’s Will: Your Sanctification – 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, Extending Ministry – 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13. Diane had to deal with such a person on Friday. Dutchess County Matthew 20 Matthew 20:21 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Jesus with her sons, bowing down and making a request of Him. Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo 20,17-28 In quel tempo, mentre saliva a Gerusalemme, Gesù prese in disparte i Dodici e lungo la via disse loro: “Ecco, noi stiamo salendo a Gerusalemme e il Figlio dell’uomo sarà consegnato ai sommi sacerdoti e agli scribi, che lo condanneranno a morte e lo consegneranno ai pagani perché sia schernito e flagellato e crocifisso; ma il terzo giorno risusciterà”. We feed the person’s ego telling them how wonderful they are so that they will be favorable to us, and more times than not, it works. In quel tempo, 20 si avvicinò a Gesù la madre dei figli di Zebedèo con i suoi figli e si prostrò per chiedergli qualcosa. In questa auto definizione di Gesù sono implicati tre titoli che lo definiscono e che erano per i primi cristiani l'inizio della Cristologia: Figlio dell'Uomo, Servo di Yavè e fratello maggiore (Parente prossimo o Gioele). Gesù vuole sapere se loro, invece del posto d'onore, accettano di dare la propria vita fino alla morte. Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo 20,20-28. James and John did drink the cup of Christ’s suffering. (Testo TILC) 20. The old cross condemns; the new cross assures. From the parallel account in Mark we find that the first request was that Jesus would do for them whatever they asked of Him. 27e chi vuole essere il primo tra voi, sarà vostro schiavo. Questo sito usa Akismet per ridurre lo spam. Peter later denied Jesus, but John remained faithful. She comes “bowing down, and made a request of Him.” Kings tend to have big egos and people soon learned that if you come in a manner that magnified that ego, they could get the king to give them what they wanted. “You do not know what you are asking for. (If you would like to receive Pastor Harris’ weekly sermons via e-mail, Click here), “So You Want to Be Great” The flesh, smiling and confident, preaches and sings songs about the cross, and before that cross it bows and toward that cross it points with carefully staged histrionics, but upon that cross it will not die and the reproach of that cross it stubbornly refuses to bear.” Such is the nature of Christianity in our land. Quando l'impero romano si disintegra, vittima delle sue contraddizioni interne, le comunità dovrebbero essere preparate ad offrire alla gente un modello alternativo di convivenza sociale. I am not saying that a parent should not take a certain amount of satisfaction in what their children achieve, but I am saying that parents often become proud over their children because they see it as a reflection of themselves. 18 Gesù si avvicinò e disse loro: «A me è stato dato ogni potere in cielo e sulla terra. Parole Nuove - Commenti al Vangelo e alla LiturgiaCommenti al Vangelo Ciò rispecchia le tensioni nelle comunità, sia al tempo di Gesù e di Matteo, come pure oggi nelle nostre comunità. Lui insegna contro i privilegi e contro la rivalità. She does so as one would approach an oriental king. Gli rispose: «Di’ che questi miei due figli siedano uno alla tua destra e uno alla tua sinistra nel tuo regno». Si tratta del calice della sofferenza. There is a lot of truth in the saying, “It is not what you know, it is who you know.” We often find that positions are not filled with the person best qualified, but the person with the best connections. 21Egli le disse: «Che cosa vuoi?». - Then. (Anno II), 26/07/18 - Giovedì 16a sett. . 16 Gli undici discepoli, intanto, andarono in Galilea, sul monte che Gesù aveva loro indicato. Gesù è il messia Servo, annunciato dal profeta Isaia (cf. Il profeta Isaia lo aveva già annunziato (Is 50,4-6; 53,1-10). 28 como el Hijo del Hombre no vino para ser servido, sino para servir, y para dar su vida en rescate por muchos. TESTO Commento Matteo 20,20-28 a cura dei Carmelitani . Commento al Vangelo del 11 Marzo 2020 – Servizio Pastorale Giovanile di Pompei – Mt 20, 17-28 Vangelo del Giorno «Chi vuole diventare grande tra voi, sarà vostro servitore e chi vuole essere il primo tra voi, sarà vostro schiavo». 4 Le guardie ebbero tanta paura di lui che cominciarono a tremare e rimasero come morte. Jesus tells us that the path to greatness within his kingdom is different. Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo (Mt 20,20-28) In quel tempo, si avvicinò a Gesù la madre dei figli di Zebedèo con i suoi figli e si prostrò per chiedergli qualcosa. I found this quote from an unknown source in one of my commentaries that describes change well. You have to pay attention to its lessons. It is a great tragedy in the church when a person comes to power, whether that is by position or by a charismatic personality, and they view themselves as superior and they use people for their own advantage. Too often we are no different – even our prayers often center on what we want rather than God’s glory and honor. They fail to listen to the previous generation. Some pastors make the church they serve their little kingdom. La madre dei figli di Zebedeo, portavoce dei suoi figli Giacomo e Giovanni, si avvicina a Gesù per chiedergli un favore: "Di' che questi miei figli siedano uno alla tua destra e uno alla tua sinistra nel tuo regno". Proud, boastful Simon was changed into the Apostle Peter who wrote, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Vangelo del giorno: Matteo 20,1-16 – audio e commento Papa Francesco. And the reason the new generation makes the same mistakes? Commento al Vangelo del giorno – Mt 20, 20-28 A cura de i Raccomandato ma Santo vero. “The cross of popular evangelicalism is not the cross of the New Testament. One reason, other than sheer audacity, is her relationship to Jesus. Essi però dubitarono. Active. Are you ready and willing to do so as well? The truly great follow Jesus’ example and seek to serve, not be served; to sacrifice of themselves, not seek others to sacrifice for them. It also seems amazing that this would be on their minds again when only a short time earlier, only a few minutes or at most a couple of hours earlier, Jesus had told them again about what He would suffer in Jerusalem in just a few days. In some ways John may have drunk more deeply from the cup of suffering than those who were put to death for he had to endure the hatred of this world the longest. This is also a reminder that all that we get from God is according to His grace – including any rewards give to us for our faithful service. It would be nice if men were getting smarter and were wiser than Solomon, but such is simply not the case. For Paul to live or die was for the Lord (Rom 14:8). Commento su Dt 4,32-34.39-40; Sal 32; Rm 8,14-17; Mt 28,16-20 Terminato il tempo di Pasqua la liturgia, sulla scia degli eventi pasquali, ci propone ancora due domeniche, questa e la prossima, centrate sulla figura del Cristo risorto. We want others to think not only good of us, but that in some way we are superior to others. (Anno II), 27/07/18 - Venerdì 16a sett. Risponde ai figli e non alla madre: "Voi non sapete quello che chiedete. In this case we see the mother of James and John seeking to use her relationship Jesus’ aunt to gain prominent positions for her two sons – Jesus’ cousins. E Gesù disse loro: «In verità vi dico: voi che mi avete seguito, nella nuova creazione, quando il Figlio dell'uomo sarà seduto sul trono della sua gloria, siederete anche voi su dodici troni a giudicare le dodici tribù di Israele. She is asking that Jesus make her two sons the two highest ranking officials in the kingdom under Jesus. Rispose Gesù: "Voi non sapete quello che chiedete. Quando hai bisogno, Qumran ti dà una mano, sempre. 24/07/18 - Martedì 16a sett. And a true servant will sacrifice for the sake of others in the name of Christ. La prima consiste nel consegnarsi, nel servire e dare la vita; la seconda consiste nel possedere, nell'asservire e dare la morte. Agenzia SIR (Omelia del 20 Settembre 2020) Commento su Matteo 20,1-16 In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli questa parabola: «Il regno dei cieli è simile a un padrone di casa che uscì all'alba per prendere a giornata lavoratori per la sua vigna. Matteo 28,1-20. James drank from the cup first. In quel tempo, si avvicinò a Gesù la madre dei figli di Zebedèo con i suoi figli e si prostrò per chiedergli qualcosa. “It is archaic, out of date, behind the times.” They suppose that man has advanced beyond the wisdom of … La sua morte non sarà il frutto di un destino cieco o di un piano prestabilito, ma sarà la conseguenza dell'impegno liberamente assunto di essere fedele alla missione che ricevette dal Padre insieme ai poveri della sua terra. Is Jesus really your lord or just a commodity that you are seeking to use to gain what you want? 20 Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink?” He questions them as to whether they realized the high price that would have to be paid to be counted worthy of the position they were seeking. “It is archaic, out of date, behind the times.” They suppose that man has advanced beyond the wisdom of the scriptures. The manner in which they treat those under them makes us wonder, somewhat sarcastically, “who died and left them king.” Most of us have also had to deal at some time with some government bureaucrat who long ago forgot they were there to serve the people, and instead thinks they are there to command and issue edicts to the people. It is amazing to me, and yet at the same time not amazing that they would respond this way. And He said to her, “What do you wish?” She said to Him, “Command that in Your kingdom these two sons of mine may sit, on Your right and one on Your left.” But Jesus answered and said, “You do not know what you are asking for. Egli le disse: «Che cosa vuoi?». Though technology has changed, man has not. But Jesus called them to Himself, and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. What evidence of that is there? Some have said that the Bible is not relevant to today’s modern world. The mother of James and John comes to Jesus. Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 It is not uncommon for people to use their relatives or other relationships they have developed as a means to achieve some greater position for themselves. In quel tempo, gli undici discepoli, andarono in Galilea, sul monte che Gesù aveva loro fissato. 6:20). In quel tempo, coloro che avevano il potere non avevano nessun interesse per la gente. I discepoli non solo non capiscono, ma continuano a pensare alle loro ambizioni personali. La richiesta fatta dalla madre a nome dei figli, causa una forte discussione nel gruppo. 23Ed egli disse loro: «Il mio calice, lo berrete; però sedere alla mia destra e alla mia sinistra non sta a me concederlo: è per coloro per i quali il Padre mio lo ha preparato». 1 Passato il sabato, all'alba del primo giorno della settimana, Maria di Màgdala e l'altra Maria andarono a visitare il sepolcro.2 Ed ecco che vi fu un gran terremoto: un angelo del Signore, sceso dal cielo, si accostò, rotolò la pietra e si pose a sedere su di essa.3 Il suo aspetto era come la folgore e il suo vestito bianco come la neve. This was a position lower than a servant for a servant was free to go as he pleased. Money, prestige, position, power and fame will all come to an end. James & John claimed that they were able to drink the same cup that Jesus was about to drink, and in fairness to John, only he and Peter followed Jesus after He was arrested. Potete forse bere il calice che io sto per bere?" The term here translated servant is the term deacon – a word we use as the title to a church office. 18 Settembre, 2018 ... Lascia un commento Annulla risposta. Some thoughts on today's scripture. Read full chapter Mateo 20:28 in all Spanish translations "Gli altri dieci, udito questo, si sdegnarono con i due fratelli". Matteo 20,20-28. LEGGI IL BRANO DEL VANGEL. In quel tempo, Gesù si ritirò verso la zona di Tiro e di Sidòne. 21 Egli le disse: «Che cosa vuoi?». Mt 20, 17-28 Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo. But a slave was owned by his master and could only go and do what the master wanted. Verse 24 tells us that when the other ten disciples heard what James, John and their mother had done, they became indignant. It is much easier to die for Christ than it is to live for Him. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the might hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time” (1 Peter 5:6,7). Santissima Trinità (Anno B) (15/06/2003) Vangelo: Mt 28,16-20 “My two sons sit on the left and right of the king! 26Tra voi non sarà così; ma chi vuole diventare grande tra voi, sarà vostro servitore Now man can zip through the air faster than the speed of sound. She is Jesus’ aunt, and James and John are Jesus’ first cousins. He is still the same as he has always been. There are also those that abuse their positions of authority. The disciples wanted to be great in God’s kingdom, but they thought of it in terms of worldly standards. 21 Egli le disse: «Che cosa vuoi?» Gli rispose: «Di’ che questi miei due figli siedano uno alla tua destra e uno alla tua sinistra nel tuo regno». The mother of Zebedee's children. It seems amazing that James and John would even have this request on their minds after the strong rebuke all the disciples received only a few weeks or so before when they had been arguing about who among them was the greatest in the kingdom (chap. 25Ma Gesù li chiamò a sé e disse: «Voi sapete che i governanti delle nazioni dóminano su di esse e i capi le opprimono. Lo spunto dal Vangelo di oggi 20 Settembre 2020 Domenica: “non posso fare delle mie cose quello che voglio? Jesus prompted them to be more specific and that is when this specific request comes, “Command that in Your kingdom these two sons of mine may sit, one on Your right and one on Your left.”. 22 Rispose Gesù: «Voi non sapete quello che chiedete.Potete bere il calice che io sto per bere?». Gli dicono: "Lo possiamo". . TESTO Commento su Matteo 28,16-20 padre Lino Pedron . Famous people such as athletes, media personalities, actors and actress and such can gain such power because people hold them in awe. We do not earn them, we simply receive what is His good will to grant to us. Salome comes to Jesus seeking to gain for her sons – and really for her self as well. He was the very first of the Apostles to be martyred. How much are you willing to sacrifice in the service of your master? Man is innately self-centered and desires to gain for himself whatever he can. Verses 20-28. Vangelo del 25 Luglio 2019: Matteo 20, 20-28 con il commento di don Franco Mastrolonardo Pregaudio Puntogiovane. But again, that is the natural way of the world. 3 Aveva un aspetto splendente come un lampo e una # 28,3 La veste candida è simbolo di risurrezione. This is true with most everyone that holds positions of power. Now communication can come to us at the speed of light over thousands of miles in full color pictures. Even churches are caught up in this mentality defining success in terms of number of members, size of budget or number of missionaries supported. Non così tra di voi: colui che vorrà diventare grande tra voi, si farà vostro servo, e colui che vorrà essere il primo tra voi, si farà vostro schiavo". 20—28. 158 Myers Corners Road In Acts 12 we find that Herod kills James with a sword because it pleased the Jews. James, John and their mother desired to gain the prominent positions from Jesus. But Jesus called them to Himself, and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. All the other disciples, including James, ran away. They tell people what they want to hear – (Paul called it “tickling their ears” in 2 Tim. Entrando in Qumran nella nuova modalità di accesso, potrai ritrovare più velocemente i suoi commenti e quelli degli altri tuoi autori preferiti! Paul often referred to Himself in this manner, a bond-servant, a slave of Christ (Rom 1:1; Phil 1:1; Tit 1:1 etc.). # Mt 17,2 par. Gesù aveva un'altra risposta. - Clicca qui per sapere il perché. We call it “buttering them up.” Consider how you approach your boss for a raise. • Giacomo e Giovanni chiedono favori, Gesù promette sofferenza. You would think that their minds would be on a lot of things other than what they would get in the kingdom. It is not enough to just know history to keep from repeating it. Visualizza Mt 28,16-20. Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Him with her sons, bowing down, and making a request of Him.